Dec 8, 2011

Online magazine article about Transition Towns

Here is a link to a recent magazine article about Transition Towns in Australia...

Towns in Transition


Dec 7, 2011

Transition Towns at the Big Pineapple

Since the Big Pineapple (an iconic Sunshine Coast landmark) has reopened and in undergoing a massive revitalisation project, Transition Town Nambour has taken on the job of setting up a market stall there every Saturday morning to spread the Transition Town love!

It's the perfect place for people to gather for an informal chat and catch up.

If you live on the coast or are visiting the Sunshine Coast and would like to find out about Transition Town happenings in the region, drop in and say hello.

Transition Town Eudlo
Transition Town Nambour

Dec 1, 2011

Transition Towns on SBS this week

SBS One will be screening a story on Transition Town Totnes this Friday night at 7.30pm.