Dec 30, 2009

Another new initiative!

Congratulations to Tamborine Mountain in the Gold Coast Hinterland on becoming an official Transition Town initiative.

If you're not official yet, please think about doing it - the more groups we have added to the list, the better it is for everyone involved.

If you need help filling out the form, please me us know and we can help.

Sonya Wallace
Transition Sunshine Coast
Transition Town Eudlo
Think Green Consultancy

Transition Town trainer, facilitator and consultant

Dec 19, 2009

Some Transition Town happenings over the break...

Transition Towns will be on stage at the Woodford Folk Festival - one of Australia's largest festivals - over the Christmas and New Years break.

Last year the Transition Town talk in the GreenHouse at Woodford sparked a lot of interest and even a couple of new initiatives, so we're hoping this year to do even better this year.

Transition Sunshine Coast will be busy preparing for its first Transition Town Training workshop for 2010 held on the weekend of February 6 & 7 at Eumundi on the Sunshine Coast, contact if you'd like to book in as places are filling up.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, looking forward to a very busy and productive 2010 in the world of Transitioning,

Sonya Wallace
Transition Sunshine Coast
Transition Town Eudlo
Think Green Consultancy

Transition Town trainer, facilitator and consultant

Dec 13, 2009

Transition Town Eudlo EDAP kicks off

Transition Town Eudlo on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, will begin working on its Energy Descent Action Plan in January 2010.

It will be done collaboratively between Transition Town Eudlo and the Eudlo Town Hall Committee, and open to all members of the community who would like to have input.

We will invite local community groups to have their say as well as individuals and local business owners.

Transition Town Eudlo already has a number of collectives covering projects such as; setting up a food co-operative, beekeeping, researching alternative energy systems, waste management, a Permablitz team and much more.

We're looking forward to exploring how an Energy Descent Action Plan can be inclusive across a diverse population within a small town and useful to the people of Eudlo.

The Transition Town Eudlo EDAP will in turn feed into the Sunshine Coast Regional EDAP which was compiled and delivered to the Sunshine Coast Regional Council and the community through Transition Sunshine Coast.

Sonya Wallace
Transition Sunshine Coast
Transition Town Eudlo
Think Green Consultancy

Transition Town trainer, facilitator and consultant